Minggu, 05 April 2009

TV and RADIO production:Making Program

1. Program Title :Good Morning

2.Objectives : The program would like to give a complete information of fact happen with an entertainment way,plus tips for vacation and occasion that will educate public and make public have more knowledge.Public will not be bored,because the”Good Morning”is unique way of program so they will be more interest to the program.

3. Target audience :
a. Age range : 17 – 40 year old
b. Demographics : Female-Male,all ethnicity,all religion,A-C
c. Geographical location:in Indonesia especially big city
d. Psychographics : active,modern values
4. Format:Single show the newstainment,duration:60 minutes
5. Treatment:Good Morning is a single show Program hosting by Rieke Diah-Ferdi Hasan,which is have experience and edukatif,contain update facts happened,such as fact of flood happened in Jakarta,and situation in Airport of Jogjakarta when Flood is coming,tsunami,the Host also come to the location of fact,there is any tips for vacation and activity for public such as swimming,golf playing,go to another city and eat organic food.The way of program presented is different from news or infotainment,this is a combination of news and infotainment to make public not bored.Good Morning also gave plus treatment,”Good Morning on the weekend”Host by Maudy Koesnady – Choky Sitohang-Annisa Pohan with more facts of vacation ,The angle focuss on activities happened,picture of what host explain and host.The program general for gender and can reach many public from different religion and ethnicity.

6. Production Method
Studio Production :
Multiple camera, Live on tape with 3-4 cameras with ISO position

7. Tentative Budget
a. Rental :Rp50.000.000,00
b. Rate Cards
b.1. Production Item:Sound,camera,lighting,costume,host,etc:Rp 100.000.000,00
b.2. Cost for Services:cleaner staff,driver,:Rp 20.000.000,00
The Budget for one Episode of Good Morning

ž Cost for Script : 3.000.000
ž Cost for talent : 60.000.000
ž Cost for production personnel : 50.000.000
ž Cost for studio : 15.000.000
ž Cost for equipment rental : 10.000.000
ž Cost for post production & editing : 3000.000
ž Cost for video tape : 1.000.000
ž Cost for property : 6.000.000
ž Cost for food : 4.000.000
ž Cost for entertainment : 4.000.000
ž Cost for parking : 500.000
ž Cost for insurance : 4.000.000
ž Cost for clearance / fees for shooting location : 5.000.000
ž Cost for transportation of talents and crew : 5.000.000

Total budget for one episode :Rp 170.000.000,00

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